Test #2 Exodus 7-12

Wow.  The test was hard but we did well!  There were no tricky questions,  just HARD questions.

The most missed question by seniors was question 2.  Aaron’s ROD swallowed the RODS of the Egyptians.  The next most missed question by seniors was question 10.  The 3rd most missed question by seniors was question 9.

The  most missed question of the juniors was question 23.  The 2nd most missed question by juniors was a tie with questions 9, 10 and 25.

When we review (in just 3 weeks), we’ll have a plague worksheet so maybe we’ll learn which plagues didn’t affect  the children of Israel, we’ll know after which plague Pharaoh said they could worship in the land, the men could worship, the men and children could worship, etc.

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