Bible Bowl is hosted by the Sycamore Church of Christ in Cookeville, Tennessee. The purpose of the program is to help young people (and not-so-young, too!) grow in knowledge of God’s word.
We participate in Bible Bowl because we feel that is an excellent tool to achieve that goal: it provides a competitive, but relaxed, enjoyable, and Christian environment for young people to work together. It emphasizes the sanctity of God’s word; none of the questions are interpretive, rather all are textual.
We hope that your participation in Bible Bowl will help you develop into a better student of God’s word.
Aren’t the Hiatts AWESOME? Thank you guys for putting so much work into this year, especially considering how busy you are. We all appreciate it!
Thanks to everyone at Crieve Hall for the time and work that you give to all of us. I do not worship with the Crieve Hall congregation, but the work that you do gives me access to tools that I would not have. You are teaching young and old students the Word in many other congregations. Thank you for your great love and generosity; you are truly AWESOME.
Thanks to everyone at Crieve Hall for the time and work that you give to us. I do not worship with the Crieve Hall congregation, but your work gives me access to tools for teaching my students that I would not have. Thank you for your great love, your committment, and your generosity; you are truly AWESOME.
Thx Crieve Hall, and good luck at Bible Bowl!