Author Archives: Diana

Mark Millionaire from chapters 10 and 11 Not unreasonably hard 🙂

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Games | Leave a comment

Mark Millionaire #4 (I think) Perhaps another game later – tomorrow!  

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Games | Leave a comment

More questions thanks to Paul :)

Mark 13 – 16, Philippians, Colossians – Sunday AM 9-3 Test One[1974] Mark, Philippians, Colossians Sunday PM 9-3[1976] Mark, Phillippians, Colossians – Sunday AM 9-3 Test Two[1975] Power Point Sunday PM 9-3[1977] Expect another Millionaire game or possibly two or … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Multiple choice questions | Leave a comment

Mark Millionaire from chapter 5 & 6 Perhaps a question or two might be considered “unfair” 🙂 All questions are from chapters 5 and 6 A typo (that so far I’ve been unable to correct) lists chapter 3 instead of 5 for the reference 🙁 Sorry … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Games | Leave a comment

Mark “stuff”

BB Mark Psalms Questions BB Mark Worksheets These are from 20 years ago 🙂 We studied Mark and a few Psalms. Unfortunately this was before I realized I needed to make copies of the questions and worksheets  I wrote/made because … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Multiple choice questions | Leave a comment

Another Millionaire from Mark Questions from the first 4 chapters only….. Hopefully another one later – tomorrow maybe.

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Games | Leave a comment

Philippians and Colossians flashcards I had to combine people, places, and numbers in Philippians and Colossians to meet the minimum number of cards for the program to work. AGAIN When (not if) you find a mistake, message me with the scripture reference so … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Other worksheets | Leave a comment

Millionaire from Mark  

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Games | Leave a comment

More questions from Paul :)

Power Point Wednesday 8-30[2305843009214318205] Mark 13 – 16, Philippians, Colossians – Wednesday 8-30[2305843009214318204]  

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Multiple choice questions | Leave a comment

Flashcards for numbers in Mark Again – WHEN, not IF you find errors, message me the chapter and verse reference so I can make corrections. The NUMBER of the flashcard is randomly generated in each study session and gives me zero information for correcting. … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 Mark, Philippians, Colossians, Other worksheets | Leave a comment