Category Archives: 2010

Exodus 13-16 practice questions

Wow….chapter 15 was confusing.    The most missed question (jr/sr) was question 13.  This was a little confusing.  The water WAS like a wall on the right/left.  The water WAS turned to blood.  But in that verse, the keyword was “heap.” … Continue reading

Posted in 2010, Tests from Exodus | Leave a comment

Sunday worksheets Exodus 17-20. Exodus 13-16 practice questions Sunday afternoon.

Summary questions Exodus 20 Exodus 17-20 wordsearch Exodus 17 and 18 crossword crossword puzzle chapters 19 and 20 matching people thru 20 matching places numbers thru 20 Wow…..after this week, only 4 more chapters!

Posted in 2010, Sunday worksheets | Leave a comment

Updated class schedule….

…..a little late!

Posted in 2010 | Leave a comment

Wednesday worksheets – Exodus 13-16

Be the editor chapter 16 Travels and Eating worksheet

Posted in 2010, Wednesday worksheets | Leave a comment

Bible Bowl Questions from Karns

Thanks to the Karns Church of Christ in East Tennessee we can access  some great questions online from Exodus! They have a printable version if you want to study in the car, or a PowerPoint version if you want to … Continue reading

Posted in 2010, Resources for Exodus | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Test #2 Exodus 7-12

Wow.  The test was hard but we did well!  There were no tricky questions,  just HARD questions. The most missed question by seniors was question 2.  Aaron’s ROD swallowed the RODS of the Egyptians.  The next most missed question by … Continue reading

Posted in 2010, Tests from Exodus | Leave a comment

Sunday morning Exodus 13-16 worksheets – Exodus 7-12 test later today

lost Exodus 13 – 16 Summary questions Exodus 16 unscramble Exodus 13 – 16 places numbers chapter 16 matching people chapter 16 Exodus 13 & 14 crossword Exodus 16 crossword

Posted in 2010, Sunday worksheets | Leave a comment

Exodus 7-12 Wednesday worksheets PLUS Wordsearch

wordsearch chapters 7 thru 12 Be the editor chapter 12 Plague worksheet

Posted in 2010, Wednesday worksheets | Leave a comment

Exodus 7-12 Sunday worksheets-except Wordsearch

crossword puzzle chapters 7 thru 9 crossword puzzle chapters 10 thru 12 lost Exodus 7-12 people chapter 12 places numbers chapter 12 Summary questions Exodus 12 unscramble Exodus 7-12

Posted in 2010, Sunday worksheets | Leave a comment

Our first Exodus test!

Wow…..we survived and did very well! The most missed question was question 3.  It was a VERY technical question…..king of Egypt or Pharaoh. The next most missed question was question 20.   Question 20 was verse specific… of the possible … Continue reading

Posted in 2010, Tests from Exodus | Leave a comment