1:6 Who was the man sent from God to bear witness of the Light?
a. John b. Simon Peter c. Andrew
2. 1:27 What did John say he was not worthy to do?
a. Teach in the synagogue b. loose the sandal strap of He who came after c. Pray in the temple
3. 1:32 How did John see the Spirit descending from heaven?
a. like a dove b. on Jacob’s ladder c. as angels
4. 1:42 Simon the son of Jonah was called what by Jesus?
a. Peter b. Cephas c. Andrew
5. 1:44 Philip, Andrew and Peter were from
a. Bethsaida b. Bethabara c. Brentwood
6. 2:1 What was happening in Cana of Galilee on the 3rd day?
a. A wedding b. a feast c. a funeral
7. 2:6 How many waterpots of stone were set according to the manner of purification of the Jews?
a. 20 b. 30 c. 6
8. 2:12 After leaving Cana of Galilee, where did Jesus, His mother, His brothers, and His disciples go?
a. Capernaum b. Samaria c. Jerusalem
9. 2:20 How long did the Jews say it had taken to build the temple?
a. 4 years and 6 months b. 46 years c. 3 days
10. 3:1 When did Nicodemus come to Jesus?
a. at the 6th hour b. at the 10th hour c. by night
11. 3:14 What did Moses lift up in the wilderness?
a. a cross b. an offering c. the serpent
12. 3:23 Where was John also baptizing?
a. Bethabara near the Jordan b. Aenon near Salim c. The Sea of Galilee
13. 3:36 What abides on he who does not believe the Son?
a. the wrath of God b. goodness and mercy c. grace and truth
14. 4:5 What was the name of the city in Samaria where Jacob’s well was?
a. Samaria City b. Sychar c. Smyrna
15. 4:6 At what hour did Jesus set by the well in Samaria?
a. the 3rd hour b. the 6th hour c. the 10th hour
16. 4:18 How many husbands had the Samaritan woman had?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 5
17. 4:19 Where did the woman say that Jews ought to worship?
a. On the mountain b. in Jerusalem c. Bethlehem
18. 4:34 When did Jesus say the harvest was?
a. in 4 months b. in autumn c. next week
19. 4:46 Where was the nobleman’s sick son?
a. Cana of Galilee b. Capernaum c. Judea
20. 4:52 At what hour did the fever leave the nobleman’s son?
a. the 7th hour b. the 4th hour c. the 10th hour
21. 5:1 Where did Jesus go at the time of the feast of the Jews?
a. Jerusalem b. Bethlehem c. Nazareth
22. 5:5 How long had the certain man had an infirmity?
a. 3 years b. 8 years c. 38 years
23. 5:9 On what day was the man healed?
a. The first day of the week b. the Sabbath c. the 3rd day of the week
24. 5:29 What resurrection awaits those who have done evil?
a. The resurrection of life
b. The resurrection of condemnation
c. The resurrection of the Fathers
25, 5:45 In whom did Jesus say they trusted?
a. Moses b. Charles Schwab c. Eagle Scouts
1:23 Who said “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness; Make straight the way of the LORD.”
a. Nicodemus b. Isaiah c. Elijah