….a somewhat boring way to study…..
I do have those worksheets available if you want. Email or message and I’ll send a PDF file, actually files, chapters 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, and 19-24.
Also, flashcard corrections that need to be made – if you’ll include the scripture reference of the card needing correction, it will be much easier to find and correct. The card numbers shown in a study session are RANDOM numbers assigned to the study session, not the number of the flashcard 🙂
Thanks for helping correct errors…
Diana, please email the worksheets
I will correct my flashcard error numbers and send to you soon. thanks
Please send questions and answers on 1 Samuel 1-24 for bible bowl 2012.
Jim Johnson
please send me a PDF of the fill in the blanks for 1st samuel. BTW I love this website. It really helps our kids study for bible bowl. john adams Franklin, COC Franklin KY
Would you please share your I Samuel questions with us. Somehow last year, I was able to get on some kind of mailing list? We would very much appreciate that this year too. Your study materials are so helpful for us. Thank you so much for all of the work that you do. We are especially interested in the fill in the blank questions for our kiddos that do not have internet access.
Thanks! =)
Please send me a copy of your FIB questions. I really appreciate it! Thanks, Jeff Golson
If you could e-mail the questions to me that would help us at White Bluff COC study! Thank you so much for making this site public. It is a big help!
I would love for you to send me the questions you have! Thank you for this great learning tool for Bible Bowl!
God Bless!
Could you please email me the fill in the blank questions? Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your study sheets with us. If you have more that you could email me we would gladly us them. If you dont mind, you could email me worksheets or games after ch 6. Also, we are in a great need for 1 Samuel Bible Bowl questions and answers ch 1-24. Your help is very appreciated. Thank you again!
Do any of y’all know about a database for fill in the blank passages? I’d love to find a copy for the book of James.. I participated in bible bowl back in the day, and am trying to memorize passages now. I remember the fill in the blanks being a phenomenal tool. Thanks!!