Author Archives: Diana

Flashcards for places in Daniel Again – when you find errors, message with chapter/verse so I can make corrections.  The flashcard number is not permanently assigned – it’s randomly generated for each study session. It’s possible I can make general flashcards for Ecclesiastes.  I … Continue reading

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Flashcards for numbers in Daniel Hopefully I’ve added a link to flashcards for the numbers in Daniel. Again – WHEN (not if) you find an error, let me know using the chapter/verse as a reference so that I can make corrections.  The card number … Continue reading

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Flashcards for people in Daniel

I HOPE I made a link for flashcards.  The message I got for a new link was a little confusing so maybe I didn’t do it right 🙁 When (not if) you find an error that needs correction, message with … Continue reading

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Lost in Daniel

LOST in Daniel

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Lost in Ecclesiastes

LOST in Ecclesiastes  

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Crossword puzzles from Daniel 7-12

Dan 7 crossword Dan 8 crossword Dan 9 crossword Dan 10 crossword Dan 11 crossword Dan 12 crossword  

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Crossword puzzles from Daniel 1-6

Dan 1 crossword Dan 2 crossword Dan 3 crossword Dan 4 crossword Dan 5 crossword Dan 6 crossword More to follow when I get them finished 🙂

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Crossword Puzzles from Ecclesiastes

Eccl 1 crossword Eccl 2 crossword Eccl 3 crossword Eccl 4 crossword Eccl 5 crossword Eccl 6 crossword Eccl 7 crossword Eccl 8 crossword Eccl 9 crossword Eccl 10 crossword Eccl 11 crossword Eccl 12 crossword  

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Wordsearches from Daniel

Daniel 1 wordsearch Daniel 2 wordsearch Daniel 3 wordsearch Daniel 4 wordsearch Daniel 5 wordsearch Daniel 6 wordsearch Daniel 7 wordsearch Daniel 8 wordsearch Daniel 9 wordsearch Daniel 10 wordsearch Daniel 11 wordsearch Daniel 12 wordsearch  

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Wordsearches from Ecclesiastes

Eccl 1 wordsearch Eccl 2 wordsearch Eccl 3 wordsearch Eccl 4 wordsearch Eccl 5 wordsearch Eccl 6 wordsearch Eccl 7 wordsearch Eccl 8 wordsearch Eccl 9 wordsearch Eccl 10 wordsearch Eccl 11 wordsearch Eccl 12 wordsearch I noticed when I … Continue reading

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